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A pseudo branding project for the Dog Meat Festival  to raise awareness on the unethical methods of this tradition and celebration.


The Dog Meat Festival is an annual 10 days celebration held in Yu Lin, Guangxi China during the the summer solstice where the festival goers would eat lychees and dog meat. Dog eating is traditional in China, and according to folklore eating the meat during the summer months brings luck and good health. Some also believe dog meat can ward off diseases and heighten men's sexual performance. 


Activists have reported that animals are slaughtered inhumanely using clubs in public and that hygiene practices at the festival do not fall in line with Chinese regulations. There are also complaints that dogs are brought to Yulin from across China in cramped conditions, and festival visitors have reported seeing some animals with collars, indicating they are stolen pets.


This project is a satirical approach to raise awareness on the issue.

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